Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm a REAL post

Ok, I've got a few ishues to address. first:
1. am I in the closet, i say... not.. really? ok, so i'm a bisexual, i don't hide it, but i don't tell anyone. well, i got bored of not telling anyone, so i told kristopher, but like, should i tell everyone? just my friends? To prove i'm not in the closet, i'm telling bird tomorrow on video
2. does bisexuality even exist?... maybe.. no, mabey this should have came first. and i'm spelling it mabey from now on. unless it comes out mabey. whatever way i type it.
3. does bisexuality actually exist. YES. duh. should you pick a gender and stick with it? no. you don't pick you're orientation. do you only eat pie or cake if you love them both? well, hope not. the point? yes it exists
4. i've been sick for like the past week, and my voice still isn't back.


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Blogger Anonymous said...

i'm disappointed. you don't understand the point i'm trying to make. grawwwwww

March 01, 2007 7:21 p.m.  
Blogger End If Kris said...

I think I understand it idea of Pie-cake.

March 01, 2007 7:53 p.m.  
Blogger bexx said...

i got your point denyse... i mean seriously.... how can you take a giant thing of koolaid seriously? also.... i'm tired of these "real" posts. i need something pointless again....

March 11, 2007 12:51 a.m.  

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