Monday, February 05, 2007

The One

trait snapshot:
secretive, reclusive, messy, disorganized, introverted, unassertive, rarely worries, dislikes large parties, does not like to fit in, does not need to control others, solitary, ambivalent about chaos, tough, leisurely, does not respect authority, not aggressive, observer, abstract, impractical, dislikes leadership, daydreamer, bizarre, does not make friends easily, not a perfectionist, suspicious, rarely irritated, strong physical instincts, unsympathetic at times, risk taker, submissive, weird, sarcastic, strange

This is the only one that has passed my standards as a reputable test, above are my alleged personality traits.


Blogger Blog-na said...

weeee i taking the test now :)


February 05, 2007 1:23 a.m.  
Blogger Blog-na said...

omg..that test was DEAD on for me... here are my trait snapshot:::

craves attention, messy, open, rash, irritable, likes large parties, low self control, weird, fragile, does not like to be alone, emotionally sensitive, worrying, depressed, heart over mind, does not respect authority, dependent, not rule conscious, not good at saving money, more interested in relationships than intellectual pursuits, likes to fit in, very social, frequently second guesses self, phobic, suspicious, not careful, outgoing, vain, compassionate, aggressive, likes to make fun, hates to lose

everything is dead on except the Vain part..weird!!!

denyse <3

February 05, 2007 1:30 a.m.  

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