Memory Lane

I've decided to take a trip down memory lane. Remember when our blog first started, it was so amazing... and we all kind of let it go to shit! Like, we discussed topics that were funny. And we shared our interesting stories and whatnot..... now it's semi-boring. But that's okay.
Here's some memories:::
Never feed a horse just randomly tied up on the street to a lamp post pink popcorn, pizza, chocolate, pop, or marshmallows because chances are that it's name is Buttercup and you like buttered things and that horse is diabetic. So just stay away from the horse if you don't want to end up going to prison and being on the front page of every major newspaper as "Cop Killer" because chances are the horse belongs to a cop who is dearly in love with his horse... and yeah...
This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you in part by Double 0 Donut. Double 0 Donut does not give a FRIGG.. what you think! If you don't like it, you can mayonaise your friggin' weenie! Little did you know, upon visiting this "blog", you have just spanked her bum. Double 0 Donut is fed up with your poop... and she's going to 'tickle' you! (wink wink) Children with laces in their shoes are NOT permitted to view the content of this wonderful "blog" for the simple reason that we like bunnies...and rocket launchers.
Maximum Scrapage
In other things we talked about our poop and how if you poop just not enough that it sort of retreats up the anal passage and "klings" as they say and you have to maually remove it with a large wad of toilet paper. That is gross but strangly fufilling... Denise says that to save the trees you can just squeeze you butt-cheeks together and wiggle on the loo. Seriously MAXIMUM SCRAPEAGE!
Well that was only three of the good times....
Hey guys... Wanna try and make it as good as it used to be? Hmmmmm????
we could try, but what made it awesome was us being on the same lunch, and talking about the awesome stuff that happened, or that we did. thx to denyse, that's no longer possible. way to go.
it's not my fault i moved on out of westisle. that place is a hell hole. and you guys will be gone after this year so no worries. and we can still kind of have lunch time... there's a thing called 3 way conversations on msn. it's the best i can think of. BUT I WAS SO THE FUNNY ONE!!!!!!!! :)
oh right, you can't see the other person or talk to them (we could if kris has highspeed), kris is never on till midnight, and only want's to talk about dr who, and ur constatally leaving without warning or even a brb/g2g to go get laid, or cause you saw something shiney.
i'm sorry.... but we can try, can't we? and i can NOT leave so much if it bothers you. i just have a short attention span, and i tend to wander around my apartment looking for something to amuse me untill you say something funny. and most of the times i DO say brb, you just don't acknowledge :P cos i come back and there's a holy wall of text for me to read. the point in saying brb, means the other person stops talking til the returning respondant comes back. ok?
thats why i DON'T creat walls of txt when someone says brb, unless asked to. however, if i think there still there, i'll contuine what i was saying till i'm done, and then ever while, i'll say something to see if the other person is back, and this i said i'll try to make the blog better, i'd have a three-way with you and kris if kris was here, and this is a very inifictive way to have a msn conversation.
it quite muchly amused me! hahahaha... because we are THAT cool.
yes we ARE and there's nothing better to do, well not for me, go frolic in the frozne trees? at least you have a city to play with. i shall next year, be down by the water front, trees, grass, water, WI-FI!!! and when that get's boring (or when the battery dies(the second will happen first(bracket bracket bracket))) i'll go people watch, or i'm sure theres some arcade with DDR there, hey, mabey bird could start playing and get good and then i'd have a partner since kris can't too it, such a quitter, this seemed to stop being directed at denyse. fix it, i revived it.
i gave up on DDR too.... i actually really sucked. But everyone was STARING at me. and i was like STOP IT!! but yeah... i watched some little girl and her mother play last night at the theatre. they sucked. it was a single player game and the mother was playing too... hahahahaha pointless but okay i watched anyways.
DR WHO Sucks :)
ok HELL YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!oneoneone! i heard that ch'town got a DDR machine, which is it, ? SuperNOVA, so hope so, i let kris borrow DDR Extreame2 and a mat, but he gave up. and...what else? oh, right, it's not uncommon for 2 people to play on single player, but that only happens with good people. at the bunky this summer in cavindish, when i was teaching the trailor park, and there'd be like 7 kidds in my house, there'd be 1 person playing on the mat, and 1 on either side (total of 2(total of 3)) playing along. they sucked. and i got a message from hot or not, and ur climing my wall, y r u signing in so many times, you made it half way up. congrats. hot or not emailed me.
i dont know what DDR machine they got i didn't pay much attention to it. oh my goddddddd...... hotornot emailed me too with new people in the area, i think. lol i like climbing up people's walls. shall i do it again?
we could both do it, at the same time, try to get to the top. i need a new metal mat, mabey a cobalt flux, since i took a chunck out of my other one by playing too hard, and not wearing shoes, who knew the warning was for more then just not getting sue'd.
OMG OMG OMG. one of the best speedcore songs that i've heard is called ik shoop u dood. but like most is starts out with really clam music, and then DEATH!!! but while listing to massive attack, i heard the song from the opening of ik shoop u dood. it's called chocklet milk. OMG. that kicks...ass. as in bum.
Well, I love the song THINK TWICE by EVE 6 and I am listening to it on repeat.
When all is said and done and dead
does she love you the way that I do
breathing in lightning
tonight's for fighting
I feel the hurt so physical
i pitty my neighbors, they can prolly hear my horrid singing!
you should tape urself and put it on youtube. the one site the media cares about and actually get's it's infromation right on. my songs currentley are: nth degree, nu rock, jetsetter, and monochrome (by morningwood, spelling may be a problem) I U She, stick it to the pimp <-peaches->fuck the pain away push it <-garbage-> milk other then then it's chocklet milk by massive attack. and i think we might hit a record for most comments on a post. any one rember the last one? i think it was that fight i had with rebecca. best quote i can rember from her. "that door has a window" it was an exersise in stating the obvious, and it amazed us all. that could have been 2 yeas ago though. other memories including her: trying to get her to say masterbation.
oh and another rebecca memory..... when you were talking about her IP address.. and she was like "i don't think i have one" hahaha that amused me a little bit. and why should i tape myself and put it on YouTube? am i really that interesting? hmmm i could do documentaries haha....
ur on the top 2 of my "most interesting people i know" list that i made yesterday, and ur not last. and the list only consists of 2. i'm about to make a list of the things i care least about. done. runner up: boats, winner dr. who, BURN kris, well, not really, but no one cares. i'm drinking pop, not coke or pepsi, so no need to start that war. and it's crazy cold, which is my current emotion, cold, and *sigh* *sigh* being the emotion, colder is more of a feeling. but kris wouldn't know that cause he uses gaim.
who is the other person that is on your list? and i also have a list.. its called "My happy list" :) believe it or not... i can be happy. I'm drinking pop too... and its not pepsi or coke... although i do have both cans in my closet.and its the perfect temperature... mmm mmm goodness...
oh its a wonderful lifeeeeeee!!!!!! muah ah ah ah
kris is pretty intersting, not gay, although i won't say that. ummm, shit, that sounds confusing, but it's right. i have rootbeer, or did i say that, i'm so cold i lost all moter skills, i need someone to snuggle up with and share warmth...denyse? it time to move back to msn, or shall we just let this go?
quite possibly the most inane conversation the internet has to offer. Why did you tow never fuck in school, the tension is palpable.
And let it be know that I don't care if you don't like Dr. Who, I do.
what do you mean, insane? that's just an average conversation, your conversations always end in you talking about dr who or something like that. and was it that obvious that i wanted to mount her like midna mounts link?
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