TAB Energy

Okay.... so Denise has to update. She doesn't really know what to say.
I've been SUPER busy with work.... I made a delivery today to an old man at a nursing home type thing. He was all like "Whoa, it's been a long time since I saw a beautiful woman up here." I laughed. Then before I left he was like "Man, I wish you were santa." What he meant by that I have no clue. But he was a nice old man. :) He wanted to buy me some gas and just charge it to him, but I didn't because that's not overly nice even though he wanted me to. I was happy to make the delivery and get away from work for a little while.
Also, I saw the funniest shirt EVER.... even more funny than the one Kris saw. This one said "This ain't no beer belly. It's a fuel tank for a Sex Machine." Toooooo funny!
I'm going to Charlottetown tomorrow apartment hunting. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!! I'll let you know how it went when I get home.
I'm officially a god mother. Big christening on Sunday. It was joyful and eventful. Ummm.... I might add that my cousins from Ontario are home and my uncle had came home. So much fun.
Got some AWESOME energy drink stuff. It's called TAB Energy........ and their slogan is "TAB Energy.... energy for being fabulous!" Too great. And it's cherry flavored. They also have the coolest can ever. It's all pink and plaid. Yay.
crazed old man
religion sucks
good luck finding a home perhaps i shall vist
old people are funny. i would've used him for his money... well took the free gas. well i probably wouldn't but lets just pretend. and church was fun. not really. better than the video. *dramatic music* DUN DUN DUN. *sigh* i need a life....
lol church
i heart church..... caboose more though.
i think that's what you were getting at?
ummm no no not AT ALL
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