can i hear a "FUN"!!!!!

Safe grad was awesome. I had soo much fun, except for the ride home because I was very sick to my stomach. Lack of sleep does that to me. Everything was just so much fun! I don't even know where to begin, possibly at the beginning. Graduation was boring and long and everyone was really hot. The bus ride to Summerside was amazingly hilarious and fun. Took lots of pictures. Got to Wendys/Tims and had a number 6 combo with iced tea. Then went to Tim's and got two donuts and a large iced cap (with chocolate milk). Then we went to the Wellness Centre. Kareokee sucked and then we had the Chunky Danger Band... That was awesome except we didn't listen to them, we roamed around in the lobby area and played outside for two hours. Those swirly bike rack things are comfy as hell to sit in..hurts the crotch after a while though. Then the bus ride to Cavendish..not as fun as the first bus ride. We got to Sandspit. The rides were really fun. Adam was working on the bumper boats and when we finally decided to go on them... I didn't want to get off. They were sooo much fun!!!! I like bumping and splashing people. hehehe. It's just what I do. So the bus ride home literally sucked... I had a sick stomach the entire time, felt like I was going to vomit. I needed sleeep and food so much. Got home, slept till 2:00. Now I'm still tired/cranky/sick and I want to go to the BBQ...

yes... i was licking the stop sign...
DIM sDenise
good ol bus ride. that was fun. haha... chunky danger band. the benches. random space. the water fountains. oh the thingys. argh... i need sleep.... oh... and wear a hard hat and safety boots at all times. *sigh*
Ok, i was on, then you were on, ur off now, and i'm back on. wtf. I'm waiting for my pizza, I'm actually not that tired, concerding I was up as long as you guys. weeeee. horray for days off that i still have to work
hi guys...getting Gaim on the internet, windows XP's messenger is being a dick (big surprise) and im sorry for not going to your house denyse but i slept till 1:30 today... :(
In othe news Unreal tounement is being a real dick right my computer. Stupid CD drive.
Oh adam guess the fuck what?
DVD BURNER!!!! i know i dont need it but it was one of those all in one dealys and it was only 50 bucks so i took it. I dont have it yet but it is coming, and in a suprising change of pace it is brand spanking new, just like the only other new part in this bitch machine the power supply, maybe i will make a blog post about this thing that i love so much now.
-End If Kris
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